What is Emotional Intelligence?
Gary Oliver defines emotional intelligence (EQ) as:
“The ability to be aware of, recognize and understand our own feelings and those of others and to constructively manage those emotions in ourselves and in our relationships.” Emotional intelligence has been shown to be a greater predictor of success in life, jobs, marriage, parenting and relationships than IQ. EQ begins with having an accurate self-assessment and awareness which means knowing what our emotions are and recognizing how our emotions affect our performance.
Emotions are a mental state that can arise spontaneously and not just through conscious effort.
Emotions involve a…
• cognitiveimpact
• behavioralimpact
• physiological(respiratory, cardiovascular and hormonal) impact
On average, a person can experience 27 emotions in any one hour period. There are over 600 words to describe emotions. Emotions are a great source of INFORMATION. Research tells us that as go our emotional self-awareness, emotional self-control and empathy skills so goesthe quality of our LEADERSHIP, the quality our RELATIONSHIPS, and the quality of our LIFE.
Begin the process of growing your EQ today by developing your emotional self-awareness. To learn about how to do this, Nathan Oliver will be teaching a workshop on Emotional Relational Intelligence this Saturday at Palm Beach Atlantic University. CEU’s will be provided.
If you would like more information or want to schedule a counseling session with Nathan Oliver or Amy Oliver, please contact us at www.olivercounseling.com.